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⚙ Development

😃 Emoji

Emoji are manually added to the front of ingredients and cookware to give the pages a little bit of flare. My hopes is that eventually this can be added to cook-docs as an automated task. For now, emoji.yaml can be used as reference.

    - bowl_with_spoon:
        - large bowl
    - cookie:
        - baking sheet
    - page_facing_up:
        - parchment paper
    - shallow_pan_of_food:
        - medium saucepan
    - spoon:
        - spatula
    - apple:
        - apple
        - apple sauce
    - bagel:
        - cream cheese
    - bell_pepper:
        - bell pepper
    - bread:
        - bread crumbs
        - bread
    - butter:
        - butter
        - tofu
    - candy:
        - sugar
        - powdered sugar
        - confectioner's sugar
    - carrot:
        - carrot
        - frozen vegetables
    - cheese_wedge:
        - ricotta
        - cheddar
        - cheese
        - jack
        - Parmesan
    - chestnut:
        - nutmeg
        - almonds
        - pine nuts
    - chocolate_bar:
        - chocolate
        - chocolate chips
    - coconut:
        - coconut
    - cup_with_straw:
        - baking soda
    - curry:
        - curry powder
        - lentils
    - custard:
        - cinnamon
    - dango:
        - marshmallows
    - dash:
        - baking powder
    - droplet:
        - water
    - ear_of_rice:
        - flour
        - oats
    - egg:
        - egg
        - mayonnaise
    - eggplant:
        - eggplant
    - falafel:
        - chickpeas
        - falafel
    - fallen_leaf:
        - bay leaf
    - four_leaf_clover:
        - clove
    - garlic:
        - garlic
        - shallot
    - glass_of_milk:
        - almond milk
        - milk
        - whole milk
        - lowfat milk
        - skim milk
    - grapes:
        - grapes
        - grape jelly
        - grape jam
    - green_circle:
        - peas
        - pea pods
    - green_salad:
        - vinaigrette
        - dressing
    - herb:
        - cumin
        - basil
        - parsley
        - thyme
        - oregano
        - cilantro
        - coriander
    - honey_pot:
        - honey
    - hotdog:
        - chorizo
        - mustard
        - Dijon mustard
        - sausage
    - hot_pepper:
        - chile
        - paprika
        - chili powder
    - hotsprings:
        - hot water
    - icecream:
        - vanilla
        - icecream
    - ice_cube:
        - ice water
    - jack_o_lantern:
        - pumpkin
    - leafy_green:
        - cabbage
        - red cabbage
        - shredded cabbage
        - spinach
    - lemon:
        - lemon
        - lemon juice
        - lemon zest
        - lime
        - lime juice
        - lime zest
    - maple_leaf:
        - maple syrup
        - syrup
        - molasses
        - brown sugar
    - microbe:
        - nutritional yeast
    - olive:
        - olive
        - olive oil
    - onion:
        - onion
    - orange_circle:
        - orange
    - peanuts:
        - peanuts
        - peanut butter
    - pineapple:
        - pineapple
    - rice:
        - rice
        - sour cream
    - salt:
        - salt
        - pepper
    - seedling:
        - pumpkin seeds
        - sunflower seeds
        - pepitas
    - spaghetti:
        - spaghetti
        - pasta
        - macaroni
    - sponge:
        - pulp
        - capers
    - strawberry:
        - strawberries
        - strawberry jam
        - strawberry jelly
    - sweet_potato:
        - ginger
    - takeout_box:
        - soysauce
    - tangerine:
        - tangerine
        - orange
    - tomato:
        - tomato
        - marinara sauce
    - tulip:
        - saffron
    - tumbler_glass:
        - rum
    - wine_glass:
        - wine

🏃 Workflow

Below is my current workflow for documenting recipes.

graph TD
  S[Change to or create ./cook/catetory dir];
  A{Does the source<br/>website exist?};
  B[Import recipe using cook-import];
  C[Manually write cook<br/>file using micro editor];
  D{Is the domain<br />supported by<br/>cook-import?};
  E[Visually check cook file];
  F[Test output using cook recipe read command];
  G[Download image file and rename<br/>to same base name as cook file];
  H[Run cook-docs in ./cook/category<br/>to generate markdown file];
  I[Manually check markdown file];
  J[Move markdown file to ./docs/category];
  K[Copy image to ./docs/assets/images<br/>with same base file name as markdown file];
  L[Add markdown file to mkdocs.yaml];
  M[Locally run mkdocs to test mkdocs-material];
  N[Commit and push to repo];
  O{Is the file<br />correct?};
  P[Edit cook file];
  Q{Is the<br/>output correct?};
  R[Edit cook file];
  T{Does the page<br/>render correctly?};
  U[CI GitHub Action workflow<br/>deploys recipe site];
  V{Is the image<br/>format webp?};
  W[Convert the image<br/>to png using dwebp];
  X[Check spelling using<br/>spellchecker-cli];
  Y[Check markdown links<br/>using markdown-link-check];
  Z{What is the<br/>origin of the recipe?};
  AB{What type of device<br/>is being used?}
  AC[Use the GitHub mobile app<br/>to create an issue]
  AD[Use the GitHub website<br/>to create an issue]
  AE[Use GitHub Issues to<br/>determine which recipe to document]
  AF[Close GitHub issue, if applicable.]
  AG[Identify a recipe<br/>to be documented]
  AH[Document link in issue]
  AI[Take image of cookbook/index<br/>card and add it to issue]
  AG --> AB;
  AB --> |Mobile|AC;
  AB --> |Desktop|AD;
  AC --> Z;
  AD --> Z;
  Z --> |Website|AH;
  Z --> |Cookbook/<br/>Index Card|AI;
  AH --> AE;
  AI --> AE;
  AE --> S;
  A --> |Yes|B;
  A --> |No|C;
  B --> D;
  C --> F;
  D --> |Yes|E;
  D --> |No|C;
  E --> F;
  F --> Q;
  Q --> |Yes|G;
  H --> I;
  J --> K;
  K --> L;
  L --> M;
  I --> O;
  O --> |Yes|J;
  O --> |No|P;
  P --> H;
  Q --> |No|R;
  R --> F;
  S --> A;
  M --> T;
  T --> |Yes|X;
  X --> Y;
  Y --> N;
  T --> |No|P;
  N --> U;
  G --> V;
  V --> |Yes|W;
  V --> |No|H;
  W --> H;
  U --> AF;

  click B "#cook-import"
  click C "#cooklang-micro"
  click D "#cook-import"
  click F "#cooklang"
  click H "#cook-docs"
  click U ""
  click X "#spellchecker-cli"
  click Y "#markdown-link-check"

🛠 Tools

Tools used to develop this repository.


All commands are run from the root of the repo unless otherwise specified.

🍚 cooklang

Used to generate shopping lists and manage recipes.

brew tap cooklang/tap
brew install cooklang/tap/cook
cook recipe read file.cook

🚚 cook-import

Used to download recipe from website as a cooklang file, if possible.

cook-import -l <url> -f

📝 cooklang-micro

Used as a cooklang syntax highlighter for the micro editor

🖼 webp

Used to convert images from webp to png.

sudo apt install webp
dwebp file.webp -o file.png

🖼 avif

Used to convert images from avif to jpg.

brew install imagemagick
magick -quality 75 input.avif output.jpg

🤖 Task

Used to automate tasks.

brew install go-task/tap/go-task
# List tasks

📃 cook-docs

Used to generate markdown files from cooklang files.

brew install nicholaswilde/tap/cook-docs
/recipes/cook/category$ cook-docs

📖 Material for MkDocs

Used as theme for static site.

pip install mkdocs-material mkdocs-minify-plugin

📖 MkDocs

Used to generate static site.

  pip install mkdocs
task serve
mkdocs serve

🔤 Spellchecker CLI

Used to check documentation spelling.

npm install --global spellchecker-cli
task spellcheck
chmod +x ./scripts/
npx spellchecker -d dictionary.txt -f {"./cook/**/*.cook","./docs/**/*.md"}
Add to dictionary
echo "word to add" >> dictionary.txt
Sort dictionary
task sort
Sort dictionary
sort dictionary.txt -u -o dictionary.txt

Used to check documentation links.

npm install -g markdown-link-check
task linkcheck
chmod +x ./scripts/
docker run --rm -v /:/tmp:ro -i -w /tmp "/tmp/path/to/file" -c "/tmp{{ .ROOT_DIR }}/mlc_config.json"


Website used to search for emoji shortcodes.

Emoji Combos

Website used to search for emoji contexts.